MISSION To encourage, foster and coordinate aeromodelling in New Zealand. STRATEGICAL MODEL NZMAA FAI RNZAC G1 GOVT LOCAL BODIES G2 PUBLIC RELATIONS G3 SAFE FLYING G4 MANAGEMENT G5 AFFILIATE MEMBERS G6 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES G7 COMPETITION G8 OTHER R/C CLUBS G9 Goal 1 Foster a close association with the RNZAC (and hence FAI) and other overseas Model Aviation Bodies and coordinate a close relationship with clubs of like association. Strategies 1.1 Maintain close contact with the RNZAC Secretariat to ensure that costs associated with FAI membership are realistic and ensure that all relevant information and services are action by the RNZAC as our FAI representative. 1.2 Maintain direct communication with FAI by appointing suitable persons to represent the Association either by direct participation on CIAM or as a Technical Representative on the various sub-committees. 1.3 Arrange regular meetings between RNZAC and NZMAA management to promote close association of both groups. Promote understanding, safety and operating procedures for the combined use of airfields. 1.4 Establish reciprocal communications between NZMAA and other like international bodies to increase the awareness of overseas trends and developments. Encourage competition and visits between other aeromodelling associations and clubs. GOAL 2 Maintain good liaison with Government Departments and Local Authorities to ensure that the Sport is recognised and facilitated. Monitor Rules and Regulations to ensure that the sport is not disadvantaged or over regulated by Laws and Rules. Strategies 2.1 Maintain regular contact with the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Airways Corporation, Aviation Federation of New Zealand and Airfield user Groups to ensure that regulations encourage and foster model flying. 2.2 Actively promote NZMAA membership of any aviation-oriented groups or associations. 2.3 Ensure regulations for larger model weights and engine sizes are satisfactory. 2.4 Monitor the allocation or sale of Radio Control R/C frequencies. 2.5 Pursue a more formal contact with local authority associations at national level and provide advice and assistance to clubs to enable them to avoid problems or solve problems when they arise. 2.6 Pursue the recognition of aeromodelling as a sport with the Government and sporting funding agencies to gain access to funds for the Association and members clubs both at national and local level 2.7 Obtain the information and build a database on existing club flying sites, particularly for R/C to allow the Association to identify potential conflict with full size aircraft operation and other established club flying sites. GOAL 3 Pursue an active public relations policy by actively promoting the Association and the Sport of Model Aviation within the associations resources. Strategies 3.1 Appoint a Public Relations Officer whose duty is to actively promote the Association, member clubs and sport through all forms of media. 3.2 Encourage clubs to promote the national body and thus the sport at every opportunity in particular by using the NZMAA logo on all stationery, newsletters, publicity material and advertising. 3.3 Limited advertising to direct support of national modelling events such as, The Nationals, international events and modelling events of significant public exposure. 3.4 Promote the Association's policies, goals and achievements to the members by producing an effective and high quality magazine to ensure that communication is maintained with members on matters affecting the Association, members and the sport. 3.5 Reduce the risk of adverse publicity due to noise or unsafe flying by setting mandatory National maximum noise levels and safety procedures and requiring that all clubs enforce them. 3.6 Provide clubs with a promotional kit to be used for the promotion of events and club services so as to gain more membership. 3.7 Encourage clubs to hold rallies which are primarily targeted at the public for the promotion of the sport. GOAL 4 Set a national Safety Code for the operation of model aircraft which shall be adopted by all clubs and members in all flying activities. Strategies 4.1 Establish a National Safety Code to be applied at all levels and within all disciplines both at club level and private (individual member) flying events/activities. 4.2 Reduce radio interference by informing clubs on Radio Control Frequency regulations to allow them to better police the model R/C bands. Require that that all clubs have in use an effective system and procedure of radio frequency control. 4.3 Provide access to radio frequency monitoring equipment to assist in running rallies and competitions. 4.4 Reduce accidents by making clubs and members aware of the importance of complying with the safety code and frequency control system. GOAL 5 Manage the affairs of the association in a versatile and efficient manner to the satisfaction of members. Strategies 5.1 Efficiently monitor the needs of the Association and its members to insure that expenditure benefits the membership as a whole. 5.2 Inform members of the expenditure required to effectively run the Association with the setting of an annual budget and allowing membership input on the figures presented. 5.3 Promote through the Area Councillors contact with clubs the importance of sending a club representative to the AGM. 5.4 Maintain an efficient council of management structure. 5.5 Within budgeting constraints in place at the time establish such procedures or measures to insure that the work load on councillors is such that they can visit flying gatherings. 5.6 Encourage those appointed to Council to commit there services for a minimum period of three years. Introduce officers to council affairs at a lower level so that experience is gained slowly. Maintain a policy of progressive advancement through Council to ensure that continuity is maintained and good use is made of the experience gained by Councillors during their term of office. 5.7 Ensure that all Councillors contribute to the running of the Association by assigning the workload fairly and evenly across all positions on Council. 5.8 Provide adequate training to officers of the Association to ensure that the affairs of all committees are conducted efficiently and cost effectively GOAL 6 Meet the needs of the membership. ? Provide a means of communication between the Association and its members. ? Establish the needs of the members and strive to provide those needs. ? Increase pilot proficiency and safe flying at all levels and in all disciplines through the use of an Achievement Scheme and promotion/use of the Safety Code. ? Encourage the specialist interest sporting groups within the Association to involve clubs more in their activities. ? Ensure that members are adequately covered against third party liability. Strategies 6.1 Ensure that the Association's magazine The Flier's World is maintained at a level which keeps members informed on Association matters. 6.2 Hold conferences at AGM's to allow for input of the members on the running of the Association. Maintain regular direct communication with clubs using the Area Councillors and where possible Undertake visits to club's and talk to members. Undertake membership surveys at least every three years to determine the services that the members require. 6.3 Increase model pilots proficiency with the establishment of an achievement scheme at all levels within all disciplines. Promoting the scheme with the awarding of individual recognition for the achievement reached. 6.4 Promote the Safety Code to all members with the aim of improving and maintaining a high level of safety conscious which is demonstrated by all members both on the ground and in the air. 6.5 Encourage the various specialist interest sporting groups to hold events at club flying sites and provide entry level events which will encourage more individual membership participation at all levels of competition 6.6 Produce a national calendar of events for rally type fly-ins and international competitions and events programmed by clubs. The calendar to be published in issue 5 of The Flier's World each year. 6.7 Provide the best possible insurance cover at the most economical rates. GOAL 7 Address the environmental issues concerning noise, and the safe flying of model aircraft in close proximity of houses and public areas. Strategies. 7.1 Introduce as mandatory that all clubs ensure that their members meet the Association's operating noise levels as set in the Noise Code of Practice and encourage clubs to introduce a policy to continue to find ways of reducing noise levels. 7.2 Investigate the methods available to effectively reduce noise levels in model aircraft and make these available to member clubs and members through "The Flier's World". 7.3 Make available to clubs equipment to measure noise so modellers can test models to ensure they meet any standards set. 7.4 Promote the Associations National Plan to Government Agencies and Local Bodies to ensure that the Association and its member clubs are seen to be taking a responsible attitude by Government in this area. 7.5 Develop and promote a Safety Code which will be mandatory on all clubs and members to comply. Develop and execute an educational plan to clubs and members on the necessity to ensure safe operation of model aircraft at all times. GOAL 8 Promote and encourage competition at International, National and Regional level. Strategies 8.1 Provide training in administration, points recording and computer skills to National administration staff to ensure an efficiently run competition. Provide and update a procedures manual for the running of the Nationals. 8.2 Establish a policy of Nationals staff being appointed for a period of three years and an on going training programme to ensure that subsequent staff are adequately trained in all aspects of the requirements for the running of National and Regional competitions. 8.3 Encourage the holding of competitions between clubs in the respective areas. 8.4 Promote participation in the NDC Competition at club level. GOAL 9 Foster relationships with National Bodies of other similar interest groups. Strategies 9.1 Have discussions with other similar interest groups which use radio control equipment at a national body level. 9.2 Promote a policy of correct use and non-interference in the allocation of radio frequencies. 9.3 Develop communication with other like interest groups and exchange information. NZMAA CLUB MANUAL Section 4 : Goals Page 4 - 1 Feb 98